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Saturday 11 January 2014

Keep cracking your whip

Author unknown

Many years ago a circus was broadcast live on television in front of a large audience, and one of the acts featured a lion tamer and a cage full of Bengal tigers.

The trainer entered the cage and locked the door behind him. The spotlight lighted the cage and as the television cameras moved in closer, the audience watched in suspense. The trainer put the fierce cats through their paces, but in the middle of the performance, the unexpected happened: the power failed and the lights went out!

For twenty or thirty long seconds, the trainer was stranded, locked in with the tigers, knowing they could see him perfectly, but he could not see them at all. His whip and a small stool were all that stood between him and certain death.

But he survived, and when the lights came back on, he finished his performance to a standing ovation.

Later, in an interview, the trainer was asked how he felt knowing the tigers could see him but he was completely in the dark. He admitted that fear had sent a chill down his spine, but then he realized that the tigers didn't know he couldn't see them. "I just kept cracking my whip," he said, "and I kept talking to them until the lights came back on. And they never knew I couldn't see them."

The parallel to what occasionally happens in our own life is unmistakable.

At some point, we are all fighting tigers in the dark, terrors we cannot see. But if we trust what we know, just keep cracking our whip, and wait for the Light, all will be well.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful analogy given by you. Only few stories give such an insight that it can kindle our spirits on a day to day basis when we face terrors in varied forms. This story truly comes under the same norms which is to be reminded on and off while facing similar situations in life.
