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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

"We make a difference"

Today is a special day. Teachers’ day. World over it’s the teachers who play the greatest role in moulding a child’s character. It is said that there are 3 kinds of teachers. A good teacher who tells, a superior teacher who explains and a great teacher who inspires. When I asked some teachers which one they would love to become, unanimously they all declared that they would love to belong to the third category. And how does the inspiring teacher stand out from the other teachers? What makes the difference? The answers were………

The inspiring teacher …………..
Influences the child to become........... what he wants to.
Shows a child who doesn’t like maths………………….how to love it
Makes the child put down the remote …………and take a book instead
Makes the child speak in front of the class……………without fear
Makes the child who feels butterflies in the stomach before a test……….feel good
Gives confidence to the child to do better on school……………….and on filed
Is a child’s super hero……….even if only for an hour
Treats the job less like a business………………and more like a pleasure
Is one who doesn’t quit……………until every child gets it

Yes. Just beneath the surface, in most teachers, beats a heart of service. They make a difference. Do you know why?

*It is because after God created men and women on the 6th day, he rested on the 7th day. Not so much to recuperate, but rather to prepare himself for the work he was going to do on the next day.

For it was on that day-the 8th day-that God created the FIRST TEACHER.

This TEACHER, though taken from among men and women, had several significant modifications. 

In general, God made the TEACHER more durable than other men and women.

The TEACHER was made to arise at a very early hour and to go to bed no earlier than 11:30 p.m.- with no rest in between.

The TEACHER had to be able to withstand being locked up in an air-tight classroom for six hours with thirty-five "monsters" on a rainy Monday.

And the TEACHER had to be fit to correct 103 term papers over Easter vacation. Yes, God made the TEACHER tough...but gentle too.

The TEACHER was equipped with soft hands to wipe away the tears of the neglected and lonely student...of those of the sixteen year old girl who was not asked to the prom.

The TEACHER was equipped with three pairs of eyes, "One pair that can see a student for what he is and not what society has labeled him. Another pair must be in the back of her head, to see what she shouldn't, but what she has to know. And one last pair in front can look at a child when he goofs up and reflect, 'I understand and I still believe in you' without so much as uttering a word."

And into the TEACHER God poured a generous amount of patience. Patience when a student asks to repeat the directions the TEACHER has just repeated for someone else. Patience when the kids forget their lunch money for the fourth day in a row. Patience when one-third of the class fails the test. Patience when the text books haven't arrived yet, and the semester starts tomorrow.

And God gave the TEACHER a heart slightly bigger than the average human heart. For the TEACHER's heart had to be big enough to love the kid who screams, "I hate this class-it's boring!" and to love the kid who runs out of the classroom at the end of the period without so much as a "goodbye", let alone a "thank you".

And lastly, God gave the TEACHER an abundant supply of HOPE. For God knew that the TEACHER would always be hoping. Hoping that the kids would someday learn how to spell... hoping not to have lunchroom duty... hoping that Friday would come... hoping for a free day.... hoping for deliverance.

"Lord," said the angel, touching His sleeve gently, "Come to bed. Tomorrow..."

"I can't," said the Lord. "I'm so close to creating something so close to myself. Already I have one who comes to work when she is too sick ...can still teach a class when they don't want to learn...loves thousands of children that are not her own...and all of this in both sexes. And wait until you see my Special Ed teacher! She is truly special; she will never take anything her students do for granted."

When God finished creating the TEACHER, he stepped back and admired the work of his hands. And God saw that the TEACHER was good. Very Good! And God smiled, for when he looked at the TEACHER, he saw into the future.

He knew that the future is in the hands of the TEACHERS.

I bow to you teachers who make a difference in the child’s life. 

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