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Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Trust or Faith?

Trust and Faith are ‘seemingly’ similar concepts because of their similar usage. These two concepts go hand in hand because the common ground for both is--‘believing in something’. But they are separated by a very thin line. In a broader perspective, ‘faith’ is an allegiance or loyalty to a person or being; while ‘trust’ is placing a complete confidence, extreme faith on that person or being.

‘Faith’ can be believed to be more commonly used in spiritual concepts while ‘trust’ is used normally in worldly concepts. When we go through any turbulent phase in life, we pray to God having some kind of ‘faith’ in Him. When we lend money / any article to a friend we ‘trust’ that they would return it in due time. So, ‘faith’ is a belief that is not based on proof while trust is a reliance on integrity, strength, etc; a strong confidence.

Many times we misuse the word ‘trust’ for ‘faith’. For example, while going through tough times, many of us proudly say “I trust God; I have surrendered to Him; etc……” But continue to worry about the situation. Why? Because in reality, we have ‘faith’ but we don’t ‘trust’ that the situation will be resolved.

A story is told about a mountain climber. During a climbing trip, he put on his climbing gear and headed toward the summit. As he started his climb, there was a full moon to help him see where he was going. As he neared the summit, unfortunately, thick clouds were starting to build around the mountain as a winter storm developed. In just a few minutes heavy clouds and fog surrounded him.

He quickly started to come down hoping the storm would stop soon. On his way back, while moving along a narrow traverse, now in total darkness, he got into some rock, and slid down the edge of a cliff. He now found himself dangling in the air, suspended from his rope, unable to see anything around him. In desperation he cried out, “Oh dear God in Heaven, please help me!”

Suddenly, from above he heard a strong deep voice boom out, “Cut the rope!”


As the climber listened over the wind, once again he heard a deep voice say, “Cut the rope!”

Unable to see his true situation the climber concluded that hanging onto the rope was a better option. And he continued to hang onto the rope, while hoping to be able to grab onto something that would enable him to climb to safety.

The following day, the rest of his climbing party discovered him frozen to death, still dangling from his rope -- only eight feet above the ground!

Had he ‘trusted’ the voice and cut the rope, he would have been saved. His faith in God made him call out to Him, but he lacked trust to listen to the voice.

So ‘trust’ is ‘faith’ in action! It is the manifestation of our faith in our thoughts and actions. While faith says, "It ‘can’ happen..." trust says "It ‘will’ happen!"

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