There was once a potter in a village. He was very well known for the exquisite pottery that he created. These pots had asymmetrical golden lines in them that added splendour to the pots. Each creation that way was exclusive one. Never similar! How did the potter create those exclusive golden lines? Apparently the potter broke the pots into pieces once they were done and then put it back together with gold filigree. And they turned out to be exclusive and exquisite creations!
In our daily life we come across myriad personalities. Hassled ones, angry ones, egoistic ones, always-with-sad-face ones, never smiling ones, confused ones, etc.....on the one side. Cool dudes, humble ones, cheerful ones, very clear and focussed ones, ever smiling ones, embodiments of serenity, loving ones, pious ones, etc..........on the other side.
Both lists go on.
Our life too is akin to the potter and his creations. The potter is the Creator and we are the pottery work created.
But there is one significant difference.
Here the potter himself breaks his creations. But in our life creator sends some people to break us. They are the former variety. They discourage and make us cynical at times. The latter ones are those that put us back again. But how? With golden filigree of their positivity that adds exquisiteness to our personalities. They turn our lives into unique creation. Yes, each of us is unique, exclusive and exquisite.
But the point here is that the Creator does not send the former range too for no reason. They are meant to teach us great lessons.
Hassled ones teach us to be patient,
Angry ones—to be cool and loving,
Egoistic ones—to be humble,
Never smiling ones—to be cheerful,
Confused ones—to be focussed.
So it turns out that all those myriad people in our life, both positive and negative ones, are meant to make us into masterpieces. We, the exclusive masterpieces, created by others in our life! How wonderful!
Let's be generous and give credit to all those who break us too. There are others who can put us back and give us a gorgeous face-lift! Ultimately we are the winners.
Isn’t that a splendid way of looking at life?
Once there was a family of mother, father, their 4 sons and the 4 daughters-in law all living together.
All 4 daughters-in law were good but there was always clash--whose responsibility it is to do what house work.
One day the mother-in law decided to end this problem by assigning proper responsibilities. So she called all 4 of them and said:
“I know you are all very good and you don't shy from responsibilities; but since the responsibilities are not clear, you have misunderstanding. Lets now define the responsibilities.
One of you – will prepare the food
2nd one – will arrange the dining table
3rd one – will serve the food
4th one – will clean the utensils and dining table
When each one of you finished your job you will announce so that the next person will do the next job.
And every week we will rotate these responsibilities.”
All of them said it is good idea and agreed.
The next day :
The first daughter in law prepared the food and when she finished she informed, “food is prepared.”
The second daughter in law arranged the food in the table and announced, “food is arranged in table and everybody come to eat.”
The 3rd daughter in law started serving the food and she announced, "food is served.”
The 4th daughter in law collected all the plates and utensils from the table and cleaned them and said, “the utensils and dining table is cleared.”
The mother-in law was dumb stuck.
Though all of them performed their duties and responsibilities, the end result was no one ate anything and the food was a complete waste.
Lesson? It is not just adequate to divide the responsibilities but sensible teamwork is very important to make things work.
Dedicated to all teachers on this Teachers day in India, 5th Sept, 2014
Just when she was about to give up teaching profession because she thought her teaching wasn't even changing or helping even one child, her mind was completely changed one day.
When she went to school the next day, one of her first grader's parent came to her and just fell into her arms and cried out, "THANK YOU."
The mother explained that her child had ADHD (the teacher had already discovered that) and no one had the patience to teach or just love her for who she was. She told the teacher that she made a difference in her daughter's life, just by showing that she cared and for having patience with her. The child showed interest in studies when she was with her, but her other teachers constantly condemned her because they couldn't control her.
What a compliment!
Needless to say she is still continuing on with her teaching profession.
Dear teachers, sometimes it may seem like people have forgotten how important you really are.
For every child that says, “I’m not smart enough”, “I don’t get it”, “I can’t”…… there’s a teacher who says, “You can!”
For every child who needs basic skills, knowledge, someone to believe in him……….. there’s a teacher who will do whatever it takes to encourage, to motivate, to challenge, to engage, to inspire and instill a love for learning.
So for every teacher who works with the children building a better future for us, even when it feels like no one is watching or that people have forgotten just how special you teachers really are, I SALUTE YOU!
AND I THANK YOU for teaching each child to become the next great author, artist, scientist, architect, musician, doctor, engineer or teacher.
Never give up, if you teach from the heart, you may not realize it at that precise moment..........