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Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Conquering The World

Author Unknown

There once lived a powerful king who undertook an expedition to conquer foreign lands. 

His wise counselor asked him, "Great king, to what purpose do you set out on this endeavor?" 

"To become master of Asia", the king replied. 

"And then what?" asked the counselor. 

"I shall invade Arabia", said the king. 

"And after that?" 

"I shall conquer Europe and Africa; and finally, when the whole world is under me, I shall rest and live at ease." 

To this the wise counselor retorted, "But what keeps you from resting and living at ease here and now, if that is all you want? You could settle down this very day without the trouble and risks."

This suggests that earlier Kings used to fight wars because they enjoyed doing so. In the modern world, countries may argue that they are fighting in a purely defensive capacity. Motivation for war differs throughout history, but the impacts a war can have on a nation is just as enormous as it always has been.

Let us remember that wars occur because we fail to recognize that we are one beautiful family and each of us needs to respect the right of others from other parts of the world. We need to coexist in this beautiful planet irrespective of race, religion, geographical locations, cultural connotations & personal principles. The moment we start living by this basic Truth, Global Peace will descend on this earth.

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